Join a nationwide movement of repentance, prayer, and reparation for the healing of our culture and land.


The Holy Protection of Mary Foundation is established as an evangelization & spiritual apostolate to call for a spirit of repentance, prayer and pilgrimage for the renewal of a culture of life in our nation.

The Foundation intends to build National Shrine under Mary's title as HOLY PROTECTION in the Pittsburgh (PA) area to God's glory, Our Lady's honor, and in service to future generations as a site of national pilgrimage, spiritual nourishment, and haven for community & cultural life.

We invite you to take part in this bold vision through your generosity and prayers



We invite you to take part in this bold vision through your generosity and prayers

We pray that this Pittsburgh Shrine will one day be a national pilgrimage destination in which the sacredness of life is celebrated.

Rooted in the Byzantine Catholic tradition, the Holy Protection of Mary Foundation intends to be of service to the entire Church, broader society, and all 'men and women of goodwill' by exhorting all of us to 'bear fruit that befits repentance' (Mt. 3:8)

To that end, we intend this National Shrine to be a heavenly appeal-in-stone to the LORD and His Holy Mother's intercession for the protection of life in our culture. It will be built in sacred Byzantine style as a prayerful convergence of Eastern and Western Christian traditions. We intend to build a 1000-year church of timeless beauty for generations to come as a holy site of pilgrimage and a refuge for spiritual renewal.

Why build a shrine?

Think of the miracles connected to the great Marian shrines around the world. We need a sacred place in America for fervent prayer to Mary, who has always been the refuge of the vulnerable, for Her powerful intercession for the challenges of our era. Throughout Christianity's two millennia, the LORD has given His Holy Mother to assist His people in prevailing against the threats of their age.   

Be it Constantinople, Lepanto, Guadalupe, Fatima, or any of the other innumerable examples, the Theotokos has been a harbinger of goodness and a protection of the vulnerable throughout Christian civilization. 

And so now it is our turn:  faced with the many challenges of our age, we turn to the 'woman clothed with the sun' (Rev. 12:1) for the triumph of life and the renewal of our culture.

The Holy Protection of the Mother of God

In the Catholic tradition, Mary is known for her intercession on behalf of the vulnerable.

Mary’s formal title as “Holy Protection” originates in the Byzantine tradition when she miraculously appeared in 10th century Constantinople as the besieged city petitioned her assistance. In answer to their prayers, the Theotokos appeared over one of Constantinople's prominent churches, held out her veil and draped it above the city as her sign of protection. Not only was Constantinople spared, but the invading pagan hoard would soon convert to Christianity only decades later.  Again in 1675, she appeared over a Ukrainian monastery during a Turkish siege, holding out her veil in the same manner. 

We, too, ask for her continued intercession and protection today. We invite you to claim your place in this epochal spiritual battle for the dignity of life. By God's grace, Our Lady's prayers, and your prayerful support; we can make this a national rally point for life and family. Yesterday, Moses built a banner altar (Exodus 17). Today, won't you join us in doing the same?

The Holy Protection of the Mother of God Shrine will:

  • Tower above 40 acres of idyllic, wooded territory.
  • Captivate visitors with its stunning Kyivan-Byzantine architecture.
  • House a museum honoring the virtuous witness of 20th-century men and women who laid down their freedom and lives for God's design on life and faith, especially the numerouis martyrs under atheistic Communism.
  • Provide a sacred haven for rich liturgical life, counseling, spiritual direction, retreats, and spiritual nourishment for its visitors.
  • Provide a haven of care for the vulnerable.
  • Inspire a new generation of pro-life witnesses. 

Your prayerful support will make this plan a reality!

Why Pittsburgh? 

Because 57% of Americans can drive to Pittsburgh in one day; no other metropolitan area offers that degree of accessibility. Just as Pennsylvania has long been hailed as the 'keystone' joining the historic American east coast with the Midwest, so we pray that the 'city of the three rivers' could serve as a convergence point for the spiritual renewal of America!

Work is underway!

This bold project has already gained support. The foundation, in conjunction with world-renowned liturgical architects, McCrery Architects of Washington, DC, and LGA Partners of Pittsburgh, PA, and world-class builders, Mosites Construction Company of Pittsburgh, PA, are all working to make this shrine and apostolate a reality.

Your prayerful support will ensure that that this vision becomes a reality!

Our Goal is



This is a monumental project and $100 million is an ambitious goal. Nevertheless, with God's grace we know we can achieve it with your help.

You are invited to a once-in-an-era opportunity to build something both magnificent and healing for our culture. We need an army of faithful supporters joining us in fervent prayer, giving abundantly from the heart, and bringing this good news to their neighbor. 

By the grace of God and the intercession of His Holy Mother, this vision will come to pass!

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Leave your mark in a place that honors the sanctity of life.


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Would you rather mail in your gift? Send it to this address.

Holy Protection Shrine

P.O. Box 761

Carnegie, PA 15106